Texas Chairman of the Railroad Commission Michael Williams gave an inspiring nomination speech at the Republican National Convention where he made the official nominating speech for the presidential candidate.
The text of his speech is well worth the read. It's inspiring, right on target and here it is:
"My friends, as a Republican who has held statewide elected office in Texas for a decade, I am proud and deeply aware of the historic significance of this election.
"But I am here with you in St. Paul, rather than being in Denver last week, because I believe values and ideas take precedence over the politics of demography and identity. And, because I know John
"McCain is ready to lead.
"Change is just a slogan when the ideas are as old as McGovern, Carter … and dare I say, here in St. Paul … Mondale, too. This election is a choice between a siren song of change without true demonstration, and an independent maverick with a real record of reform.
"When Mr. Obama was choosing his running mate, he said the standard should be whether that individual is ready to be president. But I have to ask: shouldn't the same standard apply to the Democrat at the top of the ticket? Americans need not risk our future and our peace on a false promise of hope.
"John McCain is ready to lead.
"John McCain has always put his country first. He put America ahead of his campaign when he advocated the right surge for an unpopular war. He put his comrades and country ahead of his personal comfort during the Vietnam War.
"That's why I'm so glad to know that when John McCain travels to foreign lands as President he will not apologize for America's strength, but assert it.
"He knows that keeping the peace comes from projecting our strength … that America is the greatest beacon of liberty in an uncertain world … and that foreign leaders, whose deeds speak louder than their diplomacy, must earn the right to sit down with the President of the United States.
"America's hope is in a seasoned, strong leader in this dangerous world … someone to take on the forces of mediocrity that put unions ahead of the teachers and students they teach ... a fighter to tackle the Washington culture of waste ... and a President who knows in the core of his soul that human life begins at conception.
"John McCain is ready to lead.
"For energy security, we need to explore more, conserve wisely and aggressively pursue alternatives.
"We can responsibly drill for oil and natural gas here in America and protect God's creation.
"These things are not mutually exclusive. America cannot say no to clean coal…no to nuclear power…and no to offshore exploration.
"That may be good for Saudi Sheikhs, but it's bad for American families.
"With rising electricity rates and soaring gasoline prices, Democrats say "turn down the air in your home," and, "increase the air in your tires."
"That's not an energy policy ... that is an Obamanation!
"When the Michigan factory worker builds a pickup truck… and when the Ohio farmer buys that truck... and when that steelworker in Pennsylvania takes that truck to the filling station… they will put more change in their pocket and pay less in taxes under John McCain. That's the kind of change ... John McCain is talking about.
"John McCain … is ready to lead.
"Americans will not fall for identity politics over good ideas … slogans over substance … or promises and platitudes based on wrong policy prescriptions. We have a proven leader with a record of reform who is ready to lead and ready to succeed.
"John McCain will be my President."
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15 years ago
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